2024 Orientation Professionals Institute - Brisbane, Australia

Starts:  Oct 28, 2024 11:00 PM (CT)
Ends:  Oct 30, 2024 09:00 AM (CT)

Event Description

NODA is bringing OPI to Australia! The Orientation Professionals Institute (OPI) is NODA’s long-standing premier institute designed to serve new to mid-level, full-time professionals who are responsible for orientation programming. The curriculum serves as a roadmap for professionals newer to the field of orientation, transition, and retention over a two-day, in-person institute.

The Institute is designed to serve new full-time professional staff who are responsible for orientation programming and possess less than 4 years of total professional experience.

The Institute is not open to graduate or undergraduate students. We recognize that many professionals have significant professional experience in higher education and may have recently become responsible for orientation programs on their campus, but our primary goal is to serve emerging professionals in the field.


The Orientation Professionals Institute (OPI) serves professionals and emerging leaders in the field of orientation, transition, and retention by providing a comprehensive learning experience with a focus on orientation. The Institute fosters an environment conducive to learning, networking, ideating, reflecting, and furthering dialogue on various aspects of orientation in higher education.


The Orientation Professionals Institutes provides:
● foundational knowledge on orientation, transition, and retention programs
● facilitated dialogue focused on a variety of topics, current trends, and best practices in orientation programs.
● tools and resources for professionals to working with orientation programs.
● opportunities to build a network of orientation professionals working in a variety of environments.
● a collaborative environment focused on learning from experienced professionals and emerging leaders in the field.

For more information and learning outcomes please click here

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you register for our OPI Australia event, please make sure you have set up your NODA account correctly so you have eligibility to register. 

  1. Set up your account credentials for your NODA account here
  2. Complete your NODA profile by filling out all of the required fields
  3. When you have reached the question "What is your relationship to higher education" select the answer "Employed by a higher education institution"

Event Schedule at a Glance

Location: The Royal on Park Hotel & Suites, 152 Alice Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000

Day 1 (October 28)
8:30 am                        Registration and Morning Coffee
9:00 am - 12:00 pm     In-Session
12:00pm - 1:00 pm      Networking Lunch (included)
1:00 pm - 5:30 pm       In-Session
Day 2 (October 29)
8:30 am                        Morning Coffee & Tea
9:00 am - 12:30 pm     In-Session
12:30pm - 1:30 pm      Networking Lunch (included)
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm       In-Session
5:00pm                         Institute Conclusion
Note: this schedule is subject to change
To learn more about NODA or OPI International please contact:
Joyce Holl
NODA Executive Director

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